jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


Article 1: Is Pot Good For You?
marijuana is an illegal drug that is used by many people of all ages all over the world and it holds a controversial debatw of wether it is good or bad for you.
several people actually think that the U.S. government has sabotaged the medicinal effects of marijuanna. All of the new studies have put the government and scientists in a position of wether legalizing marijuanna or not.  Now, there are many people in favor of legalizing marijuana.
People ask a lot if marijuanna kills or not. No one has ever died of THC poisoning. This is because a 160 pound person would have to smoke about 900 joints in a sitting to reach a lethal dose. Some people have tried, but yet, nobody has died. Even though it has not killed anyone, it affects the body of the consumer. One of the problems is respiratory problems. Also, it can be a cause of indirect death like driving while being stonned for example, because this might get you into a car accident and cause death. Marijuana normally makes long time users slower and they have difficulties of speech.  This is one of the most serious effects after a lot of time of use.
Marijuanna can make you sick because it affects the immune system because one of tha receptors is located in immune cells. The effects of the THC are unclear since many people get different effects from it.
People who have quit marijuanna may suffer symptoms as anxiety, difficulty sleeping and stomach pain.

Article 2: Why legalizing Marijauna Makes Sense
 Different conditions such as economic crisis, and the right of the seniors to end their life in a good way has begun a debate of the ilegal condition of marijuana.
The most simple and basic reason in favor of legalization is that prohibition simply doesn't work. This was proven by the days of alcohol prohibition in the United States, but apparently this  lesson was worthless since the United States has been repeating the same mistakes with marijuana and other drugs continually over the following decades.
Another influential topic in this decision is that Marijauna causes a lot of violence because of all the money and ambitious and dangerous people involved. Also , the government could bnenefit from this legalization because they could charge taxes from its sale. Just as with cigarettes the governmet could carry our pacific campaigns and try to prevent teens from getting it, in fact is bettter to prevent kids to have contact with drug dealers because they are really dangerous and kids should not be involved with that type of people.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

Marijuana - Legal or Illegal

Marijuana should be legalized or atleast the govenrment should really reduce its penaltys twards the user and its grower. Marijuana should be legal becouse its less dangerous than

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Marijuana - Legal or Illegal

What is intelligence?

 What does the term "IQ" mean?
IQ is a measure of relative intelligence determined by a standardized test. The first intelligence test was created in 1905 by Alfred Binet and Théophile Simon to determine which French school children were too “slow” to benefit from regular instruction

When, where and by whom was the concept of IQ developed?
German psychologist L. Wilhelm Stern was the first to coin the term intelligence quotient (IQ)