martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

1. Describe in detail the experiment "blue-eyed vs brown-eyed".
This experiment was made for the children to understand why racisim is badandhow it destroies liv es and in a black hole in society.It was made so we can all uderstand why people in genra judge others fo no reason more than their color,ideals,political view, and even religion. the teacher divded the class in browne eyes and blue eyes and treated one group badly each day so at the end of the day they understood what racisim is.

 2. Why did the teacher use eye color as a way to divide the class?
se used the color of the eyes becouse all of the class was from the same ethnic group being white. So she had to make a decition bases on somthing that te kid could not change no mater what.

3. Explain the difference between the terms "prejudice" and "discrimination".

prejudice is a term used for someon being judge without knowing his for not being the way you like or the way uyou are acostumed to.
Descrimination is a term used for someon that nomater what is going to make you feel bad no mater what.

4. What did you find most interesting or surprising about the experiment (from the video)?
That racism comes just by a simple idea as smeone not being the same as you you can startnd look down at him. Just a simple idea grows on you that you can start to feel supirior than someone for astupid idea.

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